Oh My Goodness! (Juste Ciel!)

Dir: Laurent Tirard
Cast: Valérie Bonneton, Camille Chamoux, Claire Nadeau
87 mins
French with English Subtitles
When the local nursing home finds itself in dire straits and in danger of falling to pieces, it’s down to Mother Veronique (Valérie Bonneton) and the eccentric sisters of the convent of St. Benedict to find a way to help.
Spotting a poster for a bike race with a €25,000 cash prize (and the incentive of a trip to the Vatican for the winner!), the sisters might just have their answer. The only drawbacks are that they are terrible cyclists, and their rival convent, led by Mother Veronique’s childhood nemesis Mother Josephine (Sidse Babett Knudsen), have their own plans for the prize money – and just a little more experience… But God works in mysterious ways!
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