Hebden Bridge Film Club Presents: Ran

Dir: Akira Kurosawa
Cast: Tatsuya Nakadao, Akira Terao, Jimpachi Nezu, Daisuke Ryu
Japan 1985. 162min
English subtitles
Drawing heavily on Shakespeare’s King Lear and legends surrounding the 16th-century feudal lord Môri Motonari, Kurosawa took inspiration from the success of Kagemusha to broaden his canvass. Like Throne of Blood, at its heart Ran is a tale of family strife. But in its execution, particularly the stunning exterior sequences and its use of colour – as audacious as Teinosuke Kinugasa’s 1953 classic Gate of Hell – the film plays out on an epic scale- BFI.
Want to know more about the Film Club?
The Hebden Bridge Film Club (HBFC) is an informal group of Picture House attendees formed in 2022. We stay in touch via Facebook and/or WhatsApp groups.
Are you new to the area or simply want to meet new people? There are lots of opportunities to be a part of HBFC; we occasionally meet up after a film to discuss it over a drink nearby and we also have monthly drinks for anyone that can make it.
All are welcome, particularly those who are alone and want to connect with like-minded people. Make sure to join the Film Club on Facebook (we are a very friendly bunch) and say hello!
The member choices for the next screening will be picked out of the tin at our monthly drinks on September 24. Please join us from 7.30pm in Nelsons!
To join Hebden Bridge Film Club visit: www.facebook.com/groups/hebdenbridgefilmclub
Or join our email mailing list via http://bit.ly/HebdenBridgeFilmClub
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