Sponsor A Seat

Sponsor a seat today and play your part in the ongoing development of the Hebden Bridge Picture House and savour your own little piece of cinema history. Having your name engraved on a personalised seat plaque is a unique way to acknowledge your support of this much-loved cinema, and also makes an ideal present for Christmas or a special birthday.
The Friends of the Picture House is always helping the cinema to become even better. Now that the balcony refurbishment project of Autumn 2018 has been successfully completed (with the help of funds raised by the first 93 seat sponsors!), funds are being raised by the Friends of the Picture House for ongoing capital projects at the cinema. Seat sponsorship money is used by the Friends, together with other money fundraised through the annual raffle and other fundraisers, to make donations to the cinema to cover the costs of pre-agreed improvement projects.
Sponsoring a seat couldn’t be simpler; you can download a copy of the form here (PDF format), have a look at our (low-fi – sorry!) seating plans to see which seats are still available (those not shaded can be sponsored) Stalls seats and Balcony seats, then select the package you’d like and return the form with payment by cheque or PayPal. Please email the form to info@hebdenbridgepicturehouse.co.uk
Please email the Manager if you’d like to see the latest seat sponsorship plan showing the currently available seats in the Stalls and Balcony and if you’d like the application form in a word document format: manager@hebdenbridgepicturehouse.co.uk – using this format you can apply by email rather than needing to print and scan the application form.
GOLD £250 Stalls seat / £175 Balcony seat
Choose your seat
Have any name on the seat plaque
Receive a gift certificate / certificate of sponsorship
Two complimentary tickets to any live broadcast or four film tickets
Two glasses of prosecco, wine or beer to enjoy with your free tickets
Free copy ‘Hebden Bridge Picture House: The Life and Times of a Local Treasure’
SILVER £200 Stalls seat / £125 Balcony seat
Choose your seat
Have any name on the seat plaque
Receive a gift certificate / certificate of sponsorship
Two complimentary tickets to any film
BRONZE £150 Stalls seat / £100 Balcony seat
We allocate a seat within your chosen area
Have any name on the seat plaque
Receive a gift certificate / certificate of sponsorship
Seat allocation requests will be dealt with by the cinema manager on behalf of the Friends on a first come first served basis – please specify a second choice of seat number.
Seat sponsorship does not guarantee you can sit in your seat. Names only may be used for the seat plaques; sorry, no quotes or dates. Please note that fictional names will not be accepted. Also, the names of real people (living or dead) not connected with the sponsor and / or who are (or were) in the public sphere will not be accepted.
The name plaque will be applied to the base of the seat.
Plaques will be produced at least every six months. Certificates, books and vouchers will be dispatched within 28 days of receipt of your seat sponsorship form and payment. Certificates for gifted seat naming are also available.
There are no foreseeable plans or future events which would limit the duration for which plaques will be displayed on seats.