Sprechen Cinema presents: Metropolis + Live Re-Score

Dir: Fritz Lang
Cast: Alfred Abel, Gustav Frohlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Erwin Biswanger, Heinrich George, Brigitte Helm
Sprechen music presents a new way of experiencing the Giorgio Moroder edit of Fritz Lang’s sci-fi classic Metropolis with a reimagined soundtrack of contemporary music selected, curated and mixed live by Chris Massey and Richard Ward.
Featuring music by Autechre, Four Tet, Le Matos, Aphex Twin, Lee Gamble, Abul Mogard, Memorex Memories and many more to create an immersive and emotional experience that pulls the viewer deeper into the films vision of the future, a vision that still has relevance to a modern day audience who will recognise the key themes of one of the greatest and influential films ever made.
This influential German science-fiction film presents a highly stylized futuristic city where a beautiful and cultured utopia exists above a bleak underworld populated by mistreated workers. When the privileged youth Freder (Gustav Fröhlich) discovers the grim scene under the city, he becomes intent on helping the workers. He befriends the rebellious teacher Maria (Brigitte Helm), but this puts him at odds with his authoritative father, leading to greater conflict.
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