Ticketing and seating update for Hebden Bridge Picture House
Posted on 17 March 2023

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Being an independent cinema, we always want to be as open as we can be with you all. Our ticket prices have been frozen for our audience for the past 5 years and the price cap will continue for all concessionary customers to ensure the cinema is accessible to all. Tickets for seniors (state pension age), Passport to Leisure holders and students (age 16+) will remain at £6.50 per ticket for the foreseeable future.
However, to ensure the sustainability of the cinema and its staff in the current financial climate, from 31st March 2023 standard ticket prices will increase for adults (age 18+) to £8.50 and young persons (age 3-15) to £5.50.
We are dedicated in offering a unique cinema experience for film fans, new and old so cheaper off-peak films are still available for our weekly Elevenses, Parent & Baby and family matinee screenings.
We and Hebden Royd Town Council, owners of Hebden Bridge Picture House, carefully considered all aspects of these ticketing changes and we hope you will continue to choose Hebden Bridge Picture House as your preferred cinema.
Easing of Covid restrictions
Following feedback from customers and the cinema team, from 31st March 2023, our stalls seating plan will be opened to full capacity, as we relax our social distancing measures.
For those who require it, we will now open the balcony for all screenings and provide socially distanced seating. A single unoccupied seat will be positioned between each party that has booked seats.
Our only exceptions in the stalls seating area will be for wheelchair users who will continue to have plenty of space available between each party, and we will also continue to provide socially distanced screenings for all our Elevenses screenings.
Please do get in contact with us if you have any concerns via email at manager@hebdenbridgepicturehouse.co.uk or with a member of the in-house cinema team.
Thank you for your understanding.