Hebden Bridge Film Festival goes online!
Posted on 22 February 2021

The Hebden Bridge Film Festival is going ahead on 19 – 21 March, entirely online…
The Hebden Bridge Film Festival is going ahead on 19 – 21 March, entirely online. The programme will be announced later in the week, but you can have an early look now and watch the new festival trailer below, check out the films, get your pass or tickets, and plan your weekend here As always passes are the best value!
Director of HBFF, Louise Wadley said: “One of the things we all treasure about the Festival is sharing the experience with other people. So why not make arrangements with friends, family, colleagues, book groups, choirs or distant relatives, to watch “together/apart”? Pick a film and have a Zoom coffee/ dinner/ drink afterwards or do the whole festival with breaks to chat about what you’ve seen.”
A “suggested schedule” has been created for those who want to do Watch Parties or just to help you fit everything in – but you can watch all the films any time between 6am Friday 19 and 11.59pm Sunday 21 March.